Monday, January 5, 2009
Coog Instruments & Folk Art No More
Also, the Coog Instruments & Folk Art Blog will be closed out later in 2009, so I only have to maintain one web site and one blog.
This is a big change for me. I've been known as "Coog" since 1967, and most who've known me with the nickname "Coog" over the years have either rented harps from the music store in the sky, or moved on and away. Coog is no more.
As I always say, "Onward through the fog!"
Monday, December 15, 2008
Coming to the End of an Era
I've been known as "Coog" to friends and acquaintances for over 40 years. Unfortunately, only one 0r two people I now associate with understands the name or how I got it. Lately, many have asked me "what's a Coog?" or "what is a Coog instrument?"
On January 1, 2009, Coog Instruments will be no more. The name will officially change to "Ron Cook Studios." Hopefully, the Coog questions will end.
This will probably be the last, or maybe next to last blog entry for Coog Instruments and Folk Art. All newsworthy updates will be posted on the Ron Cook Studios blog from now on. In fact, click HERE to read about what's happening in my studio this week.
It's been wonderful educating, working with, and selling to all the great people I've met over the last eight years or so as Coog Instruments. I hope to meet and enjoy the company of many more in the years to come as Ron Cook Studios.
As I've said so many times for the last 40 years, onward through the fog.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Busy, busy, busy!

A few days ago I finished a commission. A fellow wanted an epinette des Vosges, which is the French ancestor to the Mountain dulcimer, that dates back to the 1700s. I call it "Frere Jacques." This version is based on instruments from around 1850 to the present. I made it from some

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Open Studios is Over for 2008